Some Hazards in Colombia are...

1. Highlands subject to volcantic eruptions

2. Occational earthquakes

3. Periodic droughts

4. 40 year old conflict between government forces and anti- government forces

5. Insurgent groups and illegal paramilitary groups

6. Drug Trade

7. Violence and Crime everywhere

8. Kidnapping

9. Hassels with Police

10. Murder

11. Bombs

12. Terrorist

Tips for Travellers...

1. Stay within your resort and hotel at all times, if you are to leave don't go very far off any trails.

2. Buses aren't the best way to travel because theft is increasing on buses

3. Bring a photocopy of your passport,because it is likely if you leave your resort police will ask for your identity

4. If you want to take a taxi, take a metered taxi

5. Women DO NOT take taxis along at night!

6. Roads are dilapidated and unmarked, avoid driving at night; Colombian drivers are careless and usually reckless

7. A passport and a trurn/onward ticket are required if you are planning on staying longer than 3 months

8. 18 and under staying alone, with one parent, or with a third party must have a written authorization from the absent parent(s) or legal guardian

9. Countries that are very dangerous in colombia are: Santa Marta, The Darien, Catagena, Medellin, Guerrilla Areas, Bogota, and more

 .Colombia's Flag.