.Columbia's Location.



Where is columbia located?!

Colombia is located in Northern South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Panama and Venezuela, and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Ecuador and Panama. It's timezone is GMT -5. 

Colombia covers both ther northern and southen hemisphere.


.Colombia on the World Map.

Colombias latitude and longitude are 04° 00 N, 72 º 00 W.

The Rural Country vs. the Urban place...

Outside colombias beautiful and peaceful cities, their is a country at war. Colombia's capital city Bogota is looking for a brighter future, but the countyside surrounding the capital is not unfortunatly. Colmbia remains at was, as it has been for generations. Throughout the country their is extreme violence all around but it has declined since the past, but not enough to end the rural displacement and conflict. Their are sections is this country where illegal armed groups live, and bomb-sniffing dogs still guard the shopping malls and hotels. Overall, their are many rural areas in Colombia, but their are urban as well.