Colombia: Worth the Risk...?

Colombia is a beautiful place to visit and stay in. There are gorgeous beaches surrounding the country. Colombia has some of the best beaches in South America. Colombia’s best beaches scenery-wise are at Park Tayrona. The only problem is that beaches are not often safe for swimming. They have many hotels that you can stay at as well.  Colombian people are known for their vibrant nightlife. There are busy restaurants, numerous parties, and nightclubs filled with dancers moving their hips to the beat. There are salsa, cumbia, and meringue dancing that you can learn. There busiest nights are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Goods to look at include gold jewelry, art, antiques, and leather products. Colombia produces first-grade precious stones, and the emeralds are among the most perfect in the world.  Bogota has a large amount of shopping malls. Colombia isn't only dangerous, their are some safe areas in Colombia. Their arent many safe areas, and even if your in a "safe area," I would still recommend to take precaution and think smart about all your desicions before making them. Overall I would not persuade anyone to take a trip in Colombia. Their are so many dangerouse events occuring, that a trip is not worth loosing your life for, or for getting injured.

Some Dangerous Facts...

-         It is not considered by Colombia's government to be a war zone, which is why some people are saying it may be the next Vietnam

-         More than 1 million Colombians have been forced from their homes by the war

-         The country’s rebel groups have a large amount of power. They control nearly half of Colombia (around 40%)

-         On an average Colombian day, there are 2 bank robberies, 8 highway robberies, 87 murders and 204 assaults or mugging